Sunday, October 12, 2008


Danxia Mountain is a famous scenic area near Shaoguan city in the north part of Guangdong, China.

The Danxia mountain is formed from a reddish sandstone which has been eroded over time into a series of mountains surrounded by curvaceous cliffs and many unusual rock formations.

It is described in local signage as a "world famous Unesco geopark of China".

There are a number of temples located on the mountains and many scenic walks can be undertaken. There is also a river winding through the mountains on which boat trips can be taken to enjoy the scenery.

Particularly famous are two particular formations: a stone pillar called the ''Yangyuan'' is said to bear a remarkable resemblance to a phallus. The ''Yinyuan'' hole is a cleft which somewhat resembles a vagina.

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